Friday, January 21, 2011

It's a New Year and New Goals

Happy New Year Everyone! I am feeling much better this year, still battling cancer, but doing okay. So I have set some new goals with my hobbies and life. I am eating better, doing everything I can to fight off this cancer and get better.
My hobbies are numerous, you can imagine how many projects I have in the process. I have over 50 quilt tops that need to be finished into quilts. Ranging in size from wall hangings, to lap size, to queen size, even a couple of king mixed in. I also have many knitting projects worth of yarns stashed to use up. So my goal this year is to finish 50 projects. I have taken up this challenge to get motivated to finish some things that I really want to get done.
My good friend Toni, has challenged herself on her blog to finish 111 projects this year. I decided that with chemo, I shouldn't try and push it so fast. So my challenge is 50, if I get more finished that is just as good!
I should have some pictures in the next week to post of some finished objects. I have been busy knitting quite a bit since Christmas. So am excited to start showing off.
Catch you all later.


A. Warped, knitter said...

Good luck on your 50 projects. I find that a blog is a nice way to keep track of my work- hope it works well for you.

Mereknits said...

Hi Janet,
Thanks so much for your lovely comments I am so glad you came for a visit. I too had cancer 10 years ago, Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It was a very tough time. I hope you are poitive and healing everyday. I think a blog would be a wonderful outlet for you during this time. I look forward to hearing more from you. Please visit again.
Have a wonderful day,

A. Warped, knitter said...

How are you doing with finishing projects?